Staying safe and preventing injury might seem like simply a matter of common sense, but when it comes to staying safe on the job, many Americans take dangerous risks on a regular basis. Unsafe conditions are often the norm at many job locations. There are several ways that every member of an organization can begin improving on-the-job safety. Workplace safety starts by recognizing unsafe conditions and taking the appropriate steps to eliminate them.
A workplace may have many hazards scattered throughout the work environment. Some of the most common hazards include inaccessible fire exit doors, boxes and other fire hazards stacked too close to the ceiling, and overloaded electrical outlets. Any wrongful death attorneys will tell you that these and countless other significant hazards can add up to serious risk and liability. Preventing workplace accidents requires implementing proactive strategies.
Improved job safety should begin with wardrobe. Check to be sure that you and every member of your team are wearing the correct uniform or work-approved clothing. This is an essential for anyone who works with hazardous materials or machinery, but a uniform also extends to things like ID cards and correct shoes. Projecting a unified, professional appearance helps improve security by clearly identifying who belongs in a hazardous area and who does not.
Recognizing the limits of your own training is also important. Training for a job should include a thorough examination of the risks associated with that type of work; someone who has not been trained properly will not have this knowledge. Employees should not take on work duties for which they have not been thoroughly trained. Supervisors should always work with employees under their direction to bring everyone up to the same level of training.
Safety signs should always be in good repair and clearly displayed. Signs identifying exits, fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and eye wash stations play a very important role in workplace safety. As you look around your workplace you will certainly find areas where small changes should be made. Simply removing a tripping hazard or shifting an obstacle away from a fire exit could prevent serious injuries. Having regular safety meetings with workers is the best way to make sure everyone is current on safety issues in the workplace.
Not all safety hazards are clearly identifiable by many business owners and managers. To make sure a facility is as safe as it can possibly be for workers, trained professional job-safety inspectors can be hired to inspect all aspects of a business’s facilities and operations, such as machinery, office equipment and cords, warehouse shelving, fire prevention methods, and much more. If your responsible for worker safety, have your business safety inspected as soon as possible.